With the support of the city council, over the next 4 years we can continue to:
1. Restore- Our Confidence:
2024-2028: Continue building relationships with our residential, business, federal/state/county/local governments, faith based, civic, educational and labor partners to strengthen our reliability, reputation and presence throughout the community.
2022-2023: Create a community committee to work alongside our professional management consultants to provide input on the program administration of the American Rescue Plan Funds (to be established in the first 90 days) (COMPLETED)
2. Rebuild- Our Relationships:
2024-2028: Continue creating a connected community by increasing our community engagement opportunities through:
2022-2023: Connect our residential, commercial, and industrial community together through mutual beneficial agreements within our planning & zoning and economic development policies that will promote safety, equity and prosperity for both residents & businesses alike (initials steps to begin within the first 150 days-(COMPLETED; Continuing into 2024 for next phase)
3. Reform- Our Government:
2024-2028: Develop a plan to transition both the Police and Public Works services to the city.
2022-2023: By Intentionally working to become:
Proven Track Record as Mayor:
Signature Programming:
Proven Track Record as Councilwoman:
Signature Legislation & Programming:
"The future of our city rests in the critical work that lies ahead in rebuilding and reforming Stonecrest. Continuity between both branches of government will be the stronghold that reinstates confidence throughout our beloved community. Under my leadership, the mayor’s office will work in lockstep with the city council to advance one unified agenda that will make our city one that we can all be proud of".
“The voters of Stonecrest have truly expressed their confidence in the work we have done for our beloved city over the last year, when I was sworn in as Mayor.
I am immensely thankful to the voters expression of confidence in me to remain their Mayor, four more years.
To my husband, David and son, Mason— words cannot express how thankful I am to have you guys with me every step of the way.
This campaign was NEVER about me. It was about the work we have done to REFORM, RESTORE & REBUILD our amazing city. The next four years, we will remain true to the work of building a connected community.”